
This page is not for everyone.

It's only for those who seek to dive deep into the soul,
purpose and philosophy of Actionpreneur.

Note that it's 5-6 mins read.

Knock off three barriers to entrepreneurial potential

Our Purpose

Every entrepreneur aspires to unleash his or her fullest potential and desires to live a life of “no regrets”. This is only possible with consistent actions taken in the right direction.

Broadly speaking, three things come in their way to taking consistent actions.

  • First is confusion and lack of clarity that slows them down
  • Second is inner chatter and inner resistance that shows up in the form of self-doubts, fears, insecurities and procrastination
  • Third is ineffective leadership, which shows up in the form of ineffective delegation, poor decision making and loose communication

These are fundamental (and recurring) issues for every entrepreneur.

Actionpreneur is the space & structure to resolve these issues consistently.

Fulfillment at the age of 80

Our Purpose

Every entrepreneur desires to live a fulfilled life. When we turn 80 and look back on our lives, we should feel fulfilled.

This fulfillment can come from building wealth, having a loving family life, making a recognizable impact in the world, or living a life of one’s calling.

In our experience, time goes very fast and we all have just one human life to accomplish what we set out to do. As entrepreneurs, we have the super-power to convert any vision to reality. It’s a rare skill and that’s why not everyone can become an entrepreneur.

However, most entrepreneurs get busy managing day-to-day routines and trivial issues and fall short of making the impact that they are capable of.

If an entrepreneur starts a day looking at emails and WhatsApp messages, then the entire day is generally spent responding (or reacting) to them. Where is the time left to take big meaningful action that will make a real difference to the organization?

This is where Actionpreneur creates a big impact.

In the space of Actionpreneur, entrepreneurs invest the first 15 mins of their mornings to handcraft their day in line with their goals and vision to makes a big impact on the organization while keeping enough room to deal with day-to-day incoming work.

Life happens one day at a time and by enabling an entrepreneur to plan every single day, Actionpreneur enables an entrepreneur to design their life as per their vision.

Beat your inner resistance

Our Purpose

Some of us resist taking important actions. We tend to escape & procrastinate by making ourselves busy with trivial / non-productive work or simply distract ourselves by consuming content on social media. This is a sheer waste of our entrepreneurial potential. Due to our inaction, the entire organization suffers (as our team members keeps waiting for clarity, direction & decisions).

On the deeper side, more often than not, many of us deal with self-doubts and fears and resist taking action due to the complexity & uncertainty of the business environment. We tend to live in a survival zone. This life is quite stressful that can impact our health as well most diseases arise from stress & anxiety.

The space of Actionpreneur helps in two ways. Firstly, it enables you to get into action mode outside your comfort zone & secondly, it enables you to become a more self-aware human being who can deal with self-doubts & fears far more powerfully.

Implementation is everything

Our Purpose

There is a lot of knowledge everywhere. But knowledge is only potential power. Action is real power.

That’s the reason Actionpreneur is mainly focused on action.

The action of an entrepreneur gets dissipated because of confusion, lack of clarity and lack of prioritization.

In our experience, with clarity alone, an entrepreneur can produce 2X-3X action.

In the space of Actionprenuer, when you plan each day in a systematic manner & sequence your actions, your day is set up for action.

Reflect within to find the best answers

Our Purpose

We believe that most answers that we seek lie within us. The art is all about asking the right reflection question that pulls the answer out of our subconscious.

Morning sessions are made up of two components, i.e. 15 mins for entrepreneurial excellence and 15 mins for daily planning.

In 15 mins of entrepreneurial excellence, actionable insights are shared across the domain of leadership, teamwork, communication (listening & speaking), work productivity, decision-making frameworks & personal excellence (in life and relationships). Reflection questions are provided to draw your own answers from within.

If you would like to discover the power of reflection, attempt to answer the following question.

If you have a 10-year plan of how to achieve a goal, then consider asking yourself a non-linear question, “How can I make it happen in 6 months?”

Imagine, if you had a gun against your head to accomplish the 10-year goal in 6 months, what would you do. Note that we don’t expect you to come up with an answer in 30 seconds. Invest 1 hour on a Sunday morning when you are in a visionary mode and journalize on this question.

This question will help you break all the artificial barriers you have created in your mind and think bigger. We are conditioned by our life experiences and conversations, which can hinder us from thinking anew, afresh from nothingness. This question has the ability to break free from all the past conditioning and really push your imagination to new heights.

Once you do this exercise, you will discover the power of reflection questions.

Actionpreneur is a space of silence to reflect on powerful questions and discover your answers.

Experience the
Power of Actionpreneur

The proof of the pudding lies in the eating.